Jennifer Dorow, Another Pea in the Right Wing MAGA Pod, Announces Run For Wisconsin State Supreme Court
Joins 2020 Election Loser Dan Kelly in Competing for Right Wing Support

MADISON, Wis. — Jennifer Dorow, Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge appointed by former Republican Governor Scott Walker, today announced she is running for the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Dorow, who has already labeled herself “conservative” in media interviews will be competing against right-winger Dan Kelly, who was defeated in his 2020 election effort to hold on to the state high court seat to which he was appointed, also by Republican Scott Walker.
The following are the statements of A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch:
“Jennifer Dorow and Dan Kelly are two peas in the right wing MAGA pod, with dangerous ideas about the law and how to apply it in Wisconsin.
“We’ve seen what can happen when right wing judicial activists control our courts, like how a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court left Wisconsinites subject to an 1849 ban outlawing abortion. And right here on our state high court, a right wing majority decision has made Republicans’ gerrymandered state legislative districts even worse, making it harder for Wisconsinites to exercise our freedom to choose our leaders.
“Dorow has already signaled she would be more of the same, having denounced a court decision protecting people’s privacy rights as ‘judicial activism at its worst.’
“The bottom line is that Jennifer Dorow, like Dan Kelly, is far out of the mainstream with a right-wing agenda that threatens our freedoms.”