In Big Step for Abortion Access, A Better Wisconsin Together Praises Planned Parenthood Resuming Abortion Care Services in Wisconsin

MADISON, Wis. — In a positive step toward restoring abortion access in the Badger State, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin announced this morning that abortion care services will resume at their clinics in Madison and Milwaukee, a year and a half after providers across the state were forced to cease abortion care following MAGA justices on the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade in June 2022.
This news comes after a July ruling from a Dane County Circuit Court judge that an ancient Wisconsin statute on the books from 1849 does not apply to consensual medical abortions.
The following are comments from Lucy Ripp, a spokesperson for A Better Wisconsin Together:
“Today’s announcement from our friends at Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin is a monumental step in solidifying across the state the overwhelmingly popular belief among Wisconsinites that politicians have no place in our exam rooms, and elected officials have no business mandating decisions that ought to be made between a patient and their doctor.
“For over a year, we have been living with fewer rights than we had 14 months ago, and millions of people have been denied essential health care and personal freedoms on a daily basis. Thanks to Planned Parenthood resuming abortion care services in Wisconsin, that gap in access to essential care is beginning to close.
“As we celebrate this step forward, we acknowledge that we are not yet at the finish line, and the work to make comprehensive reproductive rights a reality in Wisconsin must continue.”