ICYMI: Jennifer Dorow and Dan Kelly Showboat Anti-Democracy Stances in Panel Discussion
Both active conservatives, Dorow and Kelly aren’t hiding their partisan bias in runs for Supreme Court

MADISON, Wis. — Early last month, conservative Wisconsin Supreme Court candidates Jennifer Dorow and Dan Kelly voiced their extreme stances on Wisconsin election laws and election oversight, with Dorow going as far as endorsing a right-wing tactic that would bring highly partisan cases to the nonpartisan state Supreme Court’s desk.
For his part, Kelly called for more sham inquiries like the million dollar plus boondoggle run by Michael Gableman at the behest of legislative Republicans.
The comments were made at a Dec. 6 luncheon hosted by the Republican Women of Waukesha County, advertised as an event to ‘celebrate conservatives in law,’ at which Dorow and Kelly both spoke as panelists.
When asked about the state legislature’s role in overseeing Wisconsin elections, Kelly – who has previously been endorsed by MAGA election conspirator Donald Trump – encouraged legislators to “remember their authority” and use that partisan power to influence how elections are conducted in the state.
He also indicated that Republicans in the legislature should extend that authority to oversee even more aspects of government in Wisconsin.
According to A Better Wisconsin Together Deputy Director Mike Browne, Kelly’s comment should be alarming to Wisconsinites, as it indicates Kelly could support right-wing legislators in trying to throw out election results that they don’t like.
“Dan Kelly’s support for more MAGA faction attacks on our freedoms is appalling and dangerous,” Browne said.
As for Dorow, she vocally agreed with a politically-loaded comment from fellow panelist Libby Sobic – a policy director for the extreme right-wing Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL).
Sobic pitched members of the Republican audience to sign up as clients to help them use our courts to advance their political agenda.
“Dorow flat out endorsed this right-wing political strategy and, with a wink and a nod, signaled she’d be another shill for WILL if she’s on our state high court,” said Browne. “It is clear that Kelly and Dorow have no interest in separating their own partisan-bias from their potential role as justices on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”