ICYMI: Action Filed to Open Vos’ Secret Impeachment Panel to the Public

MADISON, Wis. — Legal action filed this week by watchdog group American Oversight seeks to ensure Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos can no longer pursue in secret his unpopular impeachment scheme against Justice Janet Protasiewicz.
The action notes that the public has the right – under Wisconsin’s Open Meetings Law – to access any and all meetings held by a group of past Wisconsin Supreme Court justices that Vos has covertly convened to continue advancing impeachment behind the scenes.
“Wisconsinites deserve to know what our public officials are spending time and resources on,” said Chris Walloch, executive director of A Better Wisconsin Together. “Especially involving a hot button issue that an overwhelming majority of voters have said they do not support.”
This spring, Wisconsin voters turned out in record numbers to elect Justice Protasiewicz in a landslide victory to our state Supreme Court. A statewide poll of Wisconsin voters, sponsored this month by A Better Wisconsin Together, found that voters oppose Vos’ partisan motivated impeachment efforts against Justice Protasiewicz by a stunning 24-point margin.
According to Walloch, Vos and other Republicans are scared of what the power of our collective voices and an impartial, fair-minded state Supreme Court means for their unpopular agenda.
“Robin Vos and fellow state Republicans are desperate to divert the public eye and continue impeachment efforts under the table because they know that it has no standing and it’s not supported by their constituents,” said Walloch. “But Wisconsinites aren’t falling for it.”
Call Robin Vos today at 608-237-9163 and tell him Wisconsinites don’t want our votes nullified, and constituents do not support his unpopular, unfounded impeachment scheme.