Governor Evers Signs New Legislative Maps to Replace Unconstitutional GOP Maps

MADISON, Wis. — In a critical step forward in the fight for fair maps, Governor Evers today signed new legislative maps into law after the Wisconsin Supreme Court declared that the GOP-drawn and heavily gerrymandered maps Wisconsin had been operating under were unconstitutional.
The following are statements from Chris Walloch, executive director of A Better Wisconsin Together:
“This is a win for Wisconsinites, who for decades have suffered under maps that Republicans gerrymandered to protect their power and allow themselves to obstruct action on popular policies while avoiding accountability at the ballot box.
“Under the maps signed by Governor Evers today, which are a more fair and accurate representation of Wisconsin’s diverse communities than other maps proposed by Republicans, the people of Wisconsin will have a renewed chance for competitive elections and a truly representative government for all.
“Wisconsinites owe a thank you to the new majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court for making the passage of these maps possible by giving fair maps their day in court, and to Governor Evers for standing up to Republican lawmakers when they tried to pass their same-old gerrymandered maps.
“We deserve a legislature that represents us as constituents and prioritizes our best interests. MAGA faction politicians and their special interest allies have gone to great lengths, and great expense, to protect a rigged system that benefited them, and we will continue to hold accountable any politician who attempts to obstruct today’s progress.”