Gov. Evers’ Surplus Plan is Right for Wisconsin Families

MADISON, Wis. — Imagine what our neighborhoods would look like if we had all that we need. That’s a future that Governor Tony Evers has envisioned with his newest plan to put more money in the pockets of Wisconsinites and ensure quality schools and roads in Wisconsin.
Earlier this year, Gov. Evers proposed using a portion of the state budget surplus to provide a $150 refund to every state resident, expand the childcare and caregiver tax credits, and deliver on tax savings while also providing more resources for public education.
Now his plan also includes $600 million in tax savings for hardworking families.
“Gov. Evers knows that the projected $5 billion budget surplus belongs to Wisconsinites and the community resources so many of us rely on to support our families,” said Chris Walloch, executive director of A Better Wisconsin Together. “But obstruction from conservative figures and partisan game playing is leaving the money sitting in Madison, where it isn’t helping any of us.”
Figures like Connecticut businessman Tim Michels, who now wants to lead Wisconsin as governor but is too busy touring vacant buildings to deliver real plans that lower costs for Wisconsin families and invest in the resources we need to thrive.
Or, Republicans in our state legislature, who gave Wisconsin families no more than 60 seconds of thought this year as they gaveled in and out of a special session Gov. Evers called to take action on the multi-billion-dollar surplus.
“Conservative obstruction at the Capitol is costing Wisconsin families and our communities,” said Walloch. “Economic recovery in Wisconsin cannot wait. The time is long overdue to work together with our governor to put more money in families’ pockets and deal with rising costs.”
Today, join A Better Wisconsin Together in demanding that conservative politicians in Wisconsin support Gov. Evers plans for a tax cut that will help hardworking families.
Because that’s how we show up for each other – by delivering the quality schools, affordable healthcare, and good-paying jobs that ensure all of our families can thrive. You can reach your legislator toll-free at 1-800-362-9472.