From Transphobic Texts to Bigoted Blog Posts, Dan Kelly’s Values Endanger Wisconsin’s LGBTQ+ Community

MADISON, Wis. — According to recent news reports, voters across Wisconsin have been receiving transphobic text messages from American Principles Project PAC, an extreme anti-LGTBQ+ organization that supports Dan Kelly. The texts contain phrases and videos that weaponize hateful anti-trans rhetoric – but this isn’t the first time Kelly has been tied to dangerous anti-LGBTQ+ values.
In a series of blog posts Kelly authored, which he unsuccessfully tried to erase from the internet, Kelly repeatedly espoused dangerous rhetoric against the LGBTQ+ community. In one post, Kelly stated that marriage equality for same-sex couples is an abuse of power, writing, ‘The same-sex marriage movement, in truth … is itself an illegitimate exercise of State power.’
Kelly’s extremism isn’t just confined to his blog posts or the ads of his hateful allies, though. Working with a right wing hate group, Kelly tried unsuccessfully to use Wisconsin courts to make it easier for employers to deny health insurance to partners of LGBTQ+ employees.
“Most of us believe that, no matter our identities, everyone deserves equality under the law, and to be authentically ourselves and know that we belong,” commented A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch. “At every turn Dan Kelly shows us, in his own words, he doesn’t share the views or the values of the vast majority of the people of Wisconsin.
“The danger with Dan Kelly is that the extremism he spews in his blog posts, and the hateful texts sent by groups who support him, isn’t just talk,” Walloch went on to say. “He’s shown us throughout his career that his extremism on these issues informs his actions.”
Call Dan Kelly today at (608) 291-7504, and demand he denounce the transphobic, hate-stoked fear and division being spread, and that he stand for a future where all Wisconsinites have the freedom to be ourselves.