Enough is Enough: A Better Wisconsin Together Digital Ad Campaign Calls for End to Republican Sham Election Inquiry

MADISON, Wis. — A Better Wisconsin Together today announced it is sponsoring a digital ad campaign calling on Wisconsinites to contact their legislators to demand an end to a costly and wasteful sham election inquiry authorized by Assembly Republicans. The sham is being run, poorly, by right wing former Justice Michael Gableman at a cost to state taxpayers of at least $676,000.
“Enough is enough,” said A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch. “This sham inquiry is wasting public money and wasting time better spent tackling the priorities of the people of Wisconsin. This sham inquiry should be stopped, immediately.”
A 30-second version of the ad can be seen at youtu.be/sXyUZH6jokI.
Walloch said the ad will be running statewide across social media and digital platforms over the coming weeks.
According to the latest documents obtained by watchdogs, Gableman has already spent nearly $130,000, including thousands of dollars for travels to an out-of-state election conspiracy theory conference and a visit to Arizona to view a sham review that was conducted there.
In addition, in response to a media inquiry, the office of Assembly Speaker Robin Vos admitted that months after being authorized and with nearly $130,000 of public money already spent there is no formal, written scope statement for what exactly the inquiry is supposed to be doing.
He concluded, “This sham inquiry is nothing more than partisan politicians sabotaging the results of our elections. They shouldn’t be doing it, and the taxpayers of Wisconsin certainly shouldn’t be paying for it.”