Democrats Delivering on Promise to Build Back Better With Vote in U.S. House of Representatives

MADISON, Wis. — Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives today passed the Build Back Better package of reforms that they, along with President Biden and fellow Democrats in the Senate, have developed.
The Democrats’ action is another step forward in delivering on their promises to restore some fairness to our economy, helping middle class families and working people in Wisconsin right now and in the future.
The Build Back Better package House Democrats adopted addresses some of the biggest challenges facing families and the nation from affordable child care, health care, and housing to taking on climate change. The plan is funded by making corporations and the super wealthy pay their fair share.
The following are the statements of A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch:
“President Biden and Democrats are delivering a plan that will restore some fairness to our economy, deliver freedom from skyrocketing costs for child care and health care so families can thrive and get our government working for our future.
“Most of us believe no matter where you live or what you look like we all deserve a chance to prosper and lead healthy lives. But too often we’ve seen the super wealthy, big corporations and the politicians that pander to them stack the deck against us.
“Today, Democrats have taken another big step forward on delivering on their promise to build back better from the pandemic and delivering on the change we demanded when we turned out in record numbers in 2020 to elect new leaders.”