As Temperatures Plummet in Wisconsin, Rep. Robin Vos’ Special Interest Cash Grab Heats Up
Wisconsin Assembly Speaker’s Special Interest Shakedown Heads to Key West, Florida

MADISON, Wis. — Amid a nation-wide surge in COVID-19 cases, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos is showing more concern for his campaign warchest than the health and safety of Wisconsinites as he encourages donors to travel to Key West, Fla. for a days-long Republican Assembly Campaign Committee (RACC) event, charging $6,000 per person to attend.
The cash grab on January 12 and 13, advertises access to top GOP lawmakers at several in-person events, dinners, and cocktail parties in a Florida county that has no pandemic-related safety measures or restrictions in place, according to Monroe County Florida’s official government website.
“While temperatures drop, COVID surges and hospitals and Wisconsin families continue to face the strain of the pandemic, Rep. Vos is off to soak up the Florida sun and the special interest cash,” commented A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch.
The Key West fundraising shakedown is par for the course for Vos, who has been a voracious travel enthusiast, especially when special interests are picking up the tab. In one well publicized incident, a Vos junket during which he wined and dined with payday loan industry lobbyists resulted in the FBI investigating one of his close travel companions.
Walloch also noted Vos’ Florida fun also comes after he publicly indicated the sham inquiry he authorized to rehash the long ago decided 2020 election will drag on for additional months in 2022, wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer money and distracting the legislature from dealing with important issues like jobs, the economy and continuing to face the challenges of the COVID pandemic.
He concluded, “We’re just days into 2022 and Rep. Vos is wasting no time showing us this year he’s more focused on sham election inquiries and special interest shakedowns than the priorities of the people of Wisconsin.”