Ahead of Public Hearing, A Better Wisconsin Together Denounces GOP Transgender Student Athlete Ban

MADISON, Wis. — Tomorrow morning, a committee of the Wisconsin Senate will hold a public hearing on a Republican-authored bill that unjustly targets LGBTQ+ youth and would put elected officials in charge of deciding what sports kids in Wisconsin can play.
According to A Better Wisconsin Together Communications Director Lucy Ripp, the bill is another in a long line of GOP-authored bills that are focused on all the wrong priorities for Wisconsin schools, students, and future generations.
“All kids, regardless of gender identity, deserve to play the sports they love and be treated with dignity and respect,” said Ripp. “Politicians should not be the ones deciding what extracurricular activities our kids have access to.”
Leading experts agree that access to extracurriculars, like youth sports, are essential to children’s development – and no kid or student should be barred from building on their talents and learning skills like teamwork and leadership.
“Instead of focusing on the things that we know promote healthy experiences in youth sports, like fully funded schools that can provide high quality coaches, resources, and facilities, right-wing lawmakers are trying to use Wisconsin kids as political tools meant to distract and divide,” Ripp continued. “We urge lawmakers at tomorrow’s public hearing to listen to transgender youth, their families, and advocates by allowing every student to participate in the sports they love.”
Call your legislator today at 1-800-362-9472 and demand they stand with everyday Wisconsinites in making Wisconsin a place where all kids are free to be authentically themselves, play the sports they love, and know that they belong.