A Better Wisconsin Together Statements on Budget Signed by Governor Evers

MADISON, Wis. — Yesterday, Governor Tony Evers signed the 2023-25 biennial budget with several line-item vetoes that will help mitigate some of the damages done to the bill by legislative Republicans.
The following are comments from Chris Walloch, executive director of A Better Wisconsin Together:
“The Republican-authored budget that landed on the governor’s desk was a far cry from the robust, progressive budget that he proposed initially, but we applaud Governor Evers for using his partial veto authority to redirect tax savings back to average Wisconsin families and secure years of funding for Wisconsin public schools.
“The budget that Gov. Evers put forth earlier this year is one that Wisconsin voters endorsed when they re-elected him in November. It would have expanded affordable childcare and healthcare access, invested in paid family leave for Wisconsin workers, addressed PFAS contamination in Wisconsin’s waterways, provided a historic middle class tax cut, legalized marijuana, and more.
“But, the Republican-controlled legislature axed more than 500 items from the governor’s budget, turning down several opportunities to work together on a bipartisan budget that delivers on the things Wisconsinites have been asking for and instead voted for a regressive budget put forth by conservatives on the state budget committee, a budget that failed to meet the moment for Wisconsin families.
“While Gov. Evers and legislative Democrats worked hard and did what they could to produce a budget that delivers for every Wisconsinite, we deserve better than the horrible choices made by state Republicans this budget season.”
Call your legislator today at 1-800-362-9472 and demand they no longer miss opportunities to do what’s right for Wisconsinites.