A Better Wisconsin Together Labor Day Statements

MADISON, Wis. — The following are the statements of A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch commemorating Labor Day:
“Labor Day is a time to celebrate the courage, dedication and hard work of so many who have gone before us to deliver economic opportunity and workplace rights today.
“Union advocates secured us a 40-hour work week, paid time off, retirement benefits, and so much more. And this holiday time off is a vivid reminder that when we come together to demand action and accountability from our leaders we can accomplish great things.
“Labor Day is also the time to recognize the fight for workplace freedoms and making sure hard work is recognized and rewarded is as important today as it has ever been. Right now working people – like nurses at the UW Hospitals and Clinics – are working together across our state to secure their freedom to have a say in their workplace, to be safe on the job and to be paid a just wage for their hard work.
“Wisconsin is strong when our unions are strong. We all – whether we’re represented by a union or not – benefit from those who are willing to fight for our freedoms and to demand that the promise that hard work earns you a fair shot to succeed is fulfilled.
“So this Labor Day, and every day, we recognize the achievements of the American worker and stand in solidarity with unions and working people everywhere.”