A Better Wisconsin Together Calls on Lawmakers to Protect Medicare, Medicaid on 59th Anniversary of Programs Being Signed Into Law

MADISON, Wis. – In commemoration of the 59th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, A Better Wisconsin Together is calling on state and federal lawmakers to protect these programs that have helped Wisconsinites afford and access healthcare for nearly six decades.
“Protecting access to programs like Medicare and Medicaid is more important than ever as GOP politicians at the state and federal levels work relentlessly to take these resources away from families that need healthcare coverage,” said Lucy Ripp, communications director at A Better Wisconsin Together.
Project 2025, a 920-page plan written by Trump’s MAGA allies that he plans to use as a roadmap in taking away our rights and freedoms, would severely gut Medicare benefits, raise the cost of prescription drugs, and leave millions of people without healthcare coverage when they need it the most.
Fellow MAGA politician Eric Hovde has said he also has plans to cut Medicare, Medicaid, and other benefits that Wisconsinites have earned by working hard and paying into for decades.
In the state legislature, it’s more of the same. Recently, a bill to expand postpartum Medicaid coverage for new parents failed to pass after the Republican controlled Assembly blocked it and the state senate voted 32-1 with Republican Duey Stroebel the only senator to vote against it.
“We all deserve high quality medical care that doesn’t break the bank, and Wisconsinites have earned benefits like Medicare and Medicaid through years of hard work,” said Ripp. “It’s not a politician’s place to take that away.”
Call your state (1-800-362-9472) and federal (202-224-3121) lawmakers today and demand that they protect Medicare and Medicaid because, as Wisconsinites, we know that everyone deserves to get the care they need regardless of how much is in their wallet.