A Better Wisconsin Together Applauds Gov. Tony Evers 2025 Budget Address, Calls on Republicans to Heed the Call and Put People over Partisanship

MADISON, Wis. — Following Governor Tony Evers’ 2025 budget address, A Better Wisconsin Together is applauding his commitment to making Wisconsin a better place for all, while encouraging Republican lawmakers to end the partisan obstruction and work together and pass a state budget that works for working families.
According to A Better Wisconsin Together Deputy Director Mike Browne, “tonight’s budget address has made it clear that our governor is listening to the people of Wisconsin and addressing our needs with tangible action items.”
Those action items include: lowering everyday costs like child care and prescription drug prices, funding our public schools while lowering property taxes for working families, ensuring kids and families have clean drinking water, and supporting Wisconsin farmers amid uncertainty caused by the Trump Administration’s reckless tariffs.
However, some Republicans in our state legislature are choosing to engage in obstruction and partisan game playing instead of investing in us and our priorities.
“Governor Evers’ budget is more than a long list of numbers and calculations, it’s a statement of our Wisconsin values and a bold investment in our lives,” Browne added. “As the new biennial budget process kicks off, it’s time for Republicans in our legislature to work together with our governor to continue Wisconsin’s economic strides and invest in what our families and our communities need to build a better Wisconsin.”
Call your legislator today at 1-800-362-9472 to demand they put the partisan antics behind and work together with the governor to pass a budget that works for Wisconsin families.