A Better Wisconsin Together Condemns Police Gun Violence Outside RNC Perimeter and GOP Inaction on Public Safety

MADISON, Wis. — Following the tragic killing of Samuel Sharpe, a Milwaukee man, at the hands of out-of-state police here in Wisconsin for the Republican National Convention, A Better Wisconsin Together is condemning gun violence of any sort – political or not – and denouncing the MAGA faction members who are spreading dangerous misinformation and using this tragedy as a means of gaining political advantage.

The following are statements from A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch:

“No matter our race, zip code, or political party, most of us believe that violence has no place in our communities. Black people deserve to move through our neighborhoods and communities safely and peacefully.

In Wisconsin, we know what keeps us safe, and it starts with resources in our communities that address public safety at the source. In the safe communities that we deserve to live in, nobody should have to worry about dying at the hands of gun violence and the police, or wonder if they’ll have a warm place to sleep or where their next meal will come from.

But instead, GOP politicians are seeking to divide and endanger us by fueling existing fears, spreading lies about our local neighborhoods, placing blame with certain communities based on zip code or the color of their skin, while distracting us from their failure to provide the foundations of what makes a safe community.

Wisconsinites deserve better.”

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A Better Wisconsin Together is a state-based research and communications hub for progressives and is an affiliate of ProgressNow.