6 Months on from their Insurrection, WI Republicans Haven’t Learned Anything
Federal and state reps deny accountability and continue to push the Big Lie

MADISON, Wis. — On January 6, 2021 Wisconsinites were glued to their TV screens, witnessing something most of us never thought possible. Rioters beating up Capitol police officers with flagpoles. Confederate flags in the US Capitol. Lawmakers being evacuated as the mob called for their execution.
And yet, 6 months later, too little has changed and too few lessons have been learned, in Wisconsin and across the nation. All of Wisconsin’s Republican Congressional Delegation voted against a commission to examine what went wrong on January 6th, 2021. Senator Ron Johnson continues to promote lies about what happened that day. And worse, still, Republicans in our state are still adding fuel to the fire that burned so devastatingly that day.
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos is promoting a scam review of the election, while Senate President Chris Kapenga receives national attention for his pathetic pandering to the ex-President. The Republican-controlled legislature has passed multiple bills that create deliberate barriers to Wisconsinites’ freedom to vote. They continue to try to rig the rules to stay in power and dodge accountability for working on behalf of special interests, instead of the public.
“A Better Wisconsin Together Deputy Director Mike Browne commented, “Instead of taking up legislation to improve Wisconsinites’ lives, Republicans are more interested in spreading lies to divide and distract us. Their game plan is just more race-baiting and attempts to restrict our freedom to vote while they undercut public schools and hand tax cuts to the wealthy. But those aren’t our Wisconsin values, and we’ll fight for not only the freedom to vote, but also dignity and justice for all.