Wisconsin Megaphone

What is Wisconsin Megaphone?
Wisconsin Megaphone is the online outreach program of A Better Wisconsin Together, a 501(c)(4) progressive communications hub.
It is a digital volunteer program to help spread progressive messages and combat online disinformation in Wisconsin. We’re looking for volunteers to share content across social media, engage digital networks, and advocate for the policies we want to see in our state.
We’re harnessing the power of social media to build a progressive digital community throughout Wisconsin to strengthen the progressive movement and combat disinformation in every corner of the state.
As a trusted messenger in your network, you can provide news and messaging about progressive priorities from a reliable source to your community as a Digital Ambassador.

Trust in news is at an all-time low.
Right-wing disinformation is at an all-time high.
71% of Americans have a Facebook account.
Over 90% of Americans use a social media account.
Each social media user has the potential to bring progressive messaging to hundreds, if not thousands, of Wisconsinites with one post.
You are your personal network's most trusted messenger.
Why is it important?

Why is spreading progressive messaging so impactful?
Years of research show that how we talk about and frame progressive issues is as important, if not more important, than what we’re saying.
This is why we say “anti-abortion,” not “pro-life,” and “we support reproductive freedom,” not “pro-choice.” How our brain interprets these phrases and words impacts how effective we are in advocating for progressive priorities.
When we spread good progressive messaging, we change how we talk about issues and, in turn, change how we think about and act on them. Using good progressive messaging is our best tool to combat right-wing disinformation.

How does this program work?
Our Program
Wisconsin Megaphone covers every corner of the state. From Superior to Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, and Eau Claire, our volunteers are using their social media presence to advocate for progress across Wisconsin. Sign up at the link below to set up a one-on-one with a Megaphone team member so we can provide coaching and support as you get involved, and connect you with fellow Megaphone volunteers in your corner of the state.
Set-up a 1-1 with an organizer here to get started. -
Our workshops/events
We hold regular workshops on timely and evergreen issues affecting the people of Wisconsin. At these events, you’ll gain insight and learn professional messaging guidance — the same insider guidance progressive organizations across Wisconsin receive to inform their advocacy.
Visit our registration page to sign up for our upcoming events! -
Our toolkits
To ensure you’re supported after the workshops, we will provide you with messaging toolkits that detail everything covered at the event, and include how-to guides, sample social media posts, graphics, and resources to create compelling progressive social media messaging. -
Our actions
To help amplify important messaging, we host Days and Weeks of Action to mobilize volunteers to share advocacy and accountability social media content about an important issue. Some of our past Days of Action include advocating for abortion and reproductive healthcare access, environmental protection, and paid family leave. -
Our community
Throughout your involvement, you’ll be connected to our team and like-minded volunteers who want to learn good messaging and support progressive causes in Wisconsin. We also hold bi-weekly zoom calls for 30 minutes on Wednesdays at noon, called “Wisconsin Wednesday,” where we talk through messaging updates and build community. -
Network effect
You may be one person, but dozens of people will see your post, and if one of those people share, it dramatically multiplies your effect. As a member of a statewide volunteer base, your posts will help get good progressive messaging in front of thousands of Wisconsinites. Our collective work tips the scales in our favor.
Your Commitment
Joining Wisconsin Megaphone is a commitment to share progressive advocacy content on social media.
Because joining Wisconsin Megaphone is one of the most accessible ways to meaningfully advocate for progressive priorities, your involvement can be as easy as making one post a week with your morning coffee, and meeting occasionally with a member of our team so you are always in the loop.
You set the pace of your involvement - whether you’d like to post once a week, or serve as a Team Leader to recruit and build a team of volunteers, our team will meet you where you’re at to develop a plan that meets all of your advocacy goals. No matter your level of commitment, it takes all of us to advocate for the progressive future we want for our state.

Our Megaphone App
Our Megaphone is a web-based and mobile app, available on desktop, iPhone, and Android, that helps us build strong progressive narratives and regularly share social media posts designed to engage a wide array of audiences. It is a database of graphics and other content focused on popular progressive issues that you can post along with our messaging guidance. Once you’re in, you’ll have access to hundreds of different graphics that you can post to your social media accounts straight from the app.
The purpose of Our Megaphone is to start conversations on social media, change minds, and pave the way for progressive wins long into the future, as easily as possible.